Steven Perrin


DMR Consulting Group Inc.                                                                July 1998 to Present
Employed as an IT Consultant.

  • Presently consulting, as a Business Analyst, with the British Columbia Ministry of Health as part of their Year 2000 office. The team is responsible for organizing and implementing their Y2K initiative of having all health facilities in British Columbia ready for the year 2000.
  • Worked with numerous clients across the USA installing and testing an Oracle database scheduling tool. As part of the installation I also worked with the client to model business processes, train administrators and computer programmers, and create scripts for the client.
  • Worked in a team to complete unit testing on a large computer banking system for Richmond Savings and Loans.

Future Shop Inc.                                                                             May 1998 to July 1998
Employed as a Developer/Analyst in a three month contract at the Future Shop corporate headquarters in Vancouver, British Columbia.

  • Worked on the "detailed design" of system interfaces for a large conversion project.  My responsibility was to work with multiple teams in order to assure cross functionality, design and document data interfaces between systems and to design and document the unit testing plans for the data interfaces between systems.
  • Completed the "Conceptual Design" of system interfaces.  These interfaces allow the new management system to communicate and exchange information with multiple legacy systems.  The Conceptual Design consisted of documentation of "functionality" and "business requirements" for the systems as well as the interfaces needed.  In addition the scope for each interface was defined, as well as the nature of the information exchanged and the data ownership between the systems.
Pre Print Inc.                                                                            November 1997 - April 1998
Employed as a Developer/Analyst.
  • As a developer/analyst, I expanded and customized the company’s software products using database development tools and Oracle, as well as perform unit and system testing before delivery.  In addition to database development, I also created an Internet interface for customers to directly access selected Oracle databases through the internet.
Blood Trac Systems Inc.                                                     June 1996 - November 1997
Employed as a Systems Administrator then as a Developer/Analyst.

As a systems administrator.

  • Managed the IT department for all internal and external clients. This included all company hardware, software, and networks as well as the configuration and installation of the companies software products.
  • I also worked with the Quality Assurance department to create and document the processes used in the Technical Services department.
As a developer/analyst.
  • I used Oracle’s SQL Forms 3.0 to create and modify modules for the company’s software products that used Oracle databases as the back end.  I also completed unit testing on modules as well as worked in a team to complete system testing. As part of this project I also used Visual Basic to create a standalone program that could run on a laptop and communicate with the main software product over a WAN.
  • I used Microsoft’s Access to create an inventory tracking system to be used in conjunction with BTSI and its customers.
  • Worked in a team with the Quality Assurance department to create and document the processes used in the Systems Development department.
Independent Contracting                                                         January 1996 - June 1996
Self employed as an independent contractor.
    Created numerous small business systems using Micosoft Access as well as provide computer training for individuals and small businesses.

DMR Institute, Entry Level Program, 1999

Northern Alberta Institute of Technology, Computer Systems Technology, 1997


Computer Based Training (CBT)
Oracle 7 Architecture
Oracle 7 Administration: Fundamentals
Oracle 7 Administration: Database Structure and Storage
Developer 2000 Forms: Design and Development
Developer 2000 Reports: Design and Development

Redwood JCS Certified Engineer (RedWood Inc. Holland)

Presentation Techniques (DMR Consulting Group)
Team Skills Seminar (PriceWaterhouseCoopers)
Team Skills Seminar (PWV  & Associates)
Get webbed (Oracle / SUN Internet and intranet development)

Operating Systems
 Programming Languages
 Development Tools
Microsoft Windows (95, NT)
Designer and Developer 2000
Novell 3.12 
Visual Basic
Oracle Forms 3.0
Apple 8.0
 Access (all versions)
 4th Dimension