During Christmas and New Years of 1998 I visited a very special friend in England. During that time i made a side trip to Munich for New Years and to Austria for a day of skiing.
One of the first places I stopped was of course Big Ben. Quite an
impressive sight. They didn't let me in.
I had a chance to walk around Soho. No one told me about the .. .
um .. theme of the place. I did get a good deal on a T-shirt and I found
a Canadian Muffin store. I don't know what was canadian about them. I didn't
get a free muffin.
Picadilly Circus. The architecture was incredible. I almost died
several times crossing the streets here! Actually I almost died while crossing
several streets. Heather kept pulling me back to the sidewalk because I
kept looking the wrong way for traffic.
The fountain in front of Buckingham Palace. They didn't let me in.
Ah! One of my favorite places. Trafalgar Square. I took the picture front
the steps of the National Gallery. I must have spent 10 hours wandering
the halls of the National. Venus and Cupid by Cranach the Elder, a must
see. To the right, out of the picture, is the Canadian Embassy. Nice
building. I probably could have gotten in there but i didn't try. I was
still mad about the muffin incident.
While visiting Birmingham, Heather and I had a chance to stop at the castle
in Warwick. They let me in! We had a blast there though I think I tired
Heather out by dragging her all over the castle. We took a carriage ride
in the courtyard to rest and after stopped in the main hall where they
were serving mulled wine and minced pie. Minstrels were playing for
the crowd.
For New years Heather and i traveled to Munich, Germany to spend it with
some of her friends. I have no idea where these buildings are or what they
were. We also went for a day down to Austria for skiing!